Persons survive when their material needs are met; persons thrive when they are given opportunity to live in the full spirit of their inherent human dignity. Such integration of worldly goods and spiritual aspirations is the foundation for human well-being and happiness. To achieve this fundamentally beneficial and requisite integration, we need a moral community in which to live which provides scope and vision for our aspirations and talents.
Morals and capitalism may seem to some like a contradiction, but they are not. They are complimentary.
Moral Capitalism meets our needs. It integrates the moral with the profitable, giving each its due.
It provides for wealth creation that we may live with social dignity; it also nurtures ethics and responsibility on the part of those who are empowered by their wealth or by our community.
Moral Capitalism provides an indispensable compass for business and finance, headings pointing to responsibility for the legitimate concerns of stakeholders: customers, employees, those who provide money to the enterprise, suppliers, communities and the environment.
Moral Capitalism manages risks constructively and by doing so leads to higher value for the firm. Moral Capitalism provides freedom for risk management and for mutual relationships, giving rise to economic progress and rising standards of living.
Moral Capitalism doesn’t happen on its own; we must make it happen through our moral leadership in everything we do.