Please Join Us, AEI and Brookings for a Discussion about Poverty in Minnesota on the 26th

In June of last year, we cosponsored an event with Robert Doar of the American Enterprise Institute and Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution to discuss their joint AEI/Brookings Working Group on Poverty and Opportunity report titled “Opportunity, Responsibility, and Security: A Consensus Plan for Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream”. 

This report is most notable for its success in bringing together a common goal – reducing poverty – advocates from different policy perspectives.  Reading the report is like turning the clock back to when America worked reasonably well for the common good.

We are very excited to announce that Ron and Robert will return to Minnesota on Monday, November 26th to discuss what has happened since their initial visit and where they see things going forward.

We will also be releasing our own local, joint report on recommended steps to reduce poverty in Minnesota.  These recommendations will come from the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism, Center of the American Experiment, Growth & Justice and the Citizens League.  Ron and Robert will respond to the range of our suggestions.

Please join us for a very special round table discussion with Robert and Ron at 7:30 am on the 26th at the Minneapolis Club. 

Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 7:00 am and the event at 7:30 am. 

Cost to attend is $15 for Business and Public Policy Round Table members and $35 for non-members.  Payment will be accepted at the door.

Copies of the report will be available at the event.

To register, please contact Jed at or (651) 223-2863 (email preferred).

The Minneapolis Club is located at 729 2nd Ave South in downtown Minneapolis. 

Parking will be available in the Minneapolis Club’s parking ramp.

The event will conclude at 9:30 am.

Special Round Table with American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Institution on Reducing Poverty in Minnesota

In June of last year, we cosponsored an event with Robert Doar of the American Enterprise Institute and Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution to discuss their joint AEI/Brookings Working Group on Poverty and Opportunity report titled “Opportunity, Responsibility, and Security: A Consensus Plan for Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream”. 

This report is most notable for its success in bringing together a common goal – reducing poverty – advocates from different policy perspectives.  Reading the report is like turning the clock back to when America worked reasonably well for the common good.

We are very excited to announce that Ron and Robert will return to Minnesota on Monday, November 26th to discuss what has happened since their initial visit and where they see things going forward.

We will also be releasing our own local, joint report on recommended steps to reduce poverty in Minnesota.  These recommendations will come from the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism, Center of the American Experiment, Growth & Justice and the Citizens League.  Ron and Robert will respond to the range of our suggestions.

Please join us for a very special round table discussion with Robert and Ron at 7:30 am on the 26th at the Minneapolis Club. 

Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 7:00 am and the event at 7:30 am.

Cost to attend is $15 for Business and Public Policy Round Table members and $35 for non-members.  Payment will be accepted at the door.

Copies of the report will be available at the event.

To register, please contact Jed at or (651) 223-2863 (email preferred).

The Minneapolis Club is located at 729 2nd Ave South in downtown Minneapolis. 

Parking will be available in the Minneapolis Club’s parking ramp.

The event will conclude at 9:30 am.

Do You Like Elizabeth Warren’s Accountable Capitalism Act? Hate It? Please Join Us Next Thursday

At 9:00 am on Thursday, October 25th, we will be hosting a round table to discuss Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposed federal legislation “The Accountable Capitalism Act” for large corporations and you are invited to join us.

In short, she proposes to have a law that focuses such corporations on stakeholders more than only shareholders.  This idea is at the heart of the Caux Round Table’s Principles for Business.  It is also the objective of the new benefit corporation laws passed by over 30 states, including Minnesota.

Now, the proposal is destined to be controversial, not only for its objective which rejects the simplistic vision of Milton Friedman and financial fundamentalists who claim systemic advantages to having corporations focus on short-term profits to be shared mostly with shareholders.  But it will be controversial because Senator Warren will most likely seek the nomination of the Democrat Party for the Presidency in the 2020 election.

Is her idea a good one?  Is it too idealistic?  Does it contain hidden flaws?  Can it work?

Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 8:30 am and the event at 9:00 am.

Cost to attend is $15 for Business and Public Policy Round Table members and $35 for non-members.  Payment will be accepted at the door.

I will be facilitating.

To register, please contact Jed at or (651) 223-2863 (email preferred).

The University Club is located at 420 Summit Ave in St. Paul.

You may read a precis of her proposal in the September edition of Pegasus here.

What Do You Think about Elizabeth Warren’s Accountable Capitalism Act? Please Share Your Thoughts with Us on the 25th

At 9:00 am on Thursday, October 25th, we will be hosting a round table to discuss Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposed federal legislation “The Accountable Capitalism Act” for large corporations and you are invited to join us.

In short, she proposes to have a law that focuses such corporations on stakeholders more than only shareholders. This idea is at the heart of the Caux Round Table’s Principles for Business. It is also the objective of the new benefit corporation laws passed by over 30 states, including Minnesota.

Now, the proposal is destined to be controversial, not only for its objective which rejects the simplistic vision of Milton Friedman and financial fundamentalists who claim systemic advantages to having corporations focus on short-term profits to be shared mostly with shareholders. But it will be controversial because Senator Warren will most likely seek the nomination of the Democrat Party for the Presidency in the 2020 election.

Is her idea a good one? Is it too idealistic? Does it contain hidden flaws? Can it work?

Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 8:30 am and the event at 9:00 am.

Cost to attend is $15 for Business and Public Policy Round Table members and $35 for non-members. Payment will be accepted at the door.

I will be facilitating.

To register, please contact Jed at or (651) 223-2863 (email preferred).

The University Club is located at 420 Summit Ave in St. Paul.

You may read a precis of her proposal in the September edition of Pegasus here.

“The Accountable Capitalism Act”: Please Join Us on October 25th

At 9:00 am on Thursday, October 25th, we will be hosting a round table to discuss Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposed federal legislation “The Accountable Capitalism Act” for large corporations and you are invited to join us.

In short, she proposes to have a law that focuses such corporations on stakeholders more than only shareholders. This idea is at the heart of the Caux Round Table’s Principles for Business. It is also the objective of the new benefit corporation laws passed by over 30 states, including Minnesota.

Now, the proposal is destined to be controversial, not only for its objective which rejects the simplistic vision of Milton Friedman and financial fundamentalists who claim systemic advantages to having corporations focus on short-term profits to be shared mostly with shareholders. But it will be controversial because Senator Warren will most likely seek the nomination of the Democrat Party for the Presidency in the 2020 election.

Is her idea a good one? Is it too idealistic? Does it contain hidden flaws? Can it work?

Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 8:30 am and the event at 9:00 am.

Cost to attend is $15 for Business and Public Policy Round Table members and $35 for non-members. Payment will be accepted at the door.

I will be facilitating.
To register, please contact Jed at or (651) 223-2863 (email preferred).

The University Club is located at 420 Summit Ave in St. Paul.

You may read a precis of her proposal in the September edition of Pegasus here.