What is a fair wage? What is a living wage? What is a just wage? Why work at all? “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” reasoned Karl Marx in 1875.
But who gets to decide my ability and who gets to decide my needs? Me, perhaps, or you?
The threat to employment coming from Artificial Intelligence, automation and robotics has many proposing a universal basic income to carry us through the ups and downs of life. The St. Paul City Council just voted to use municipal police powers to mandate hourly wages for certain employees, seeking to give those who work more money for the exercise of their abilities in order to help them meet their needs.
Is this a good idea? Is it a slippery slope leading us to the embrace of Marxist doctrine? Who will pay and in what ways when certain prices rise?
Please join us for a round table discussion of work and wages at 9:00 am this Thursday, December 20th at the University Club of St. Paul.
Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 8:30 am and the event at 9:00 am.
Cost to attend is $15 for Business and Public Policy Round Table members and $35 for non-members. Payment will be accepted at the door.
Space is limited.
To register, please contact Jed at jed@cauxroundtable.net or (651) 223-2863 (email preferred).
The University Club is located at 420 Summit Ave in St. Paul.
Parking will be available along Summit Ave.
The event will conclude at 11:00 am.