Next Friday, the Ides of May, we will be having our first round table over Zoom beginning at 9:00 am.
I suggest discussing the topic of risk and personal responsibility as we plan to re-balance the economy and protection of the vulnerable against the coronavirus.
My thoughts on procedure are:
1) Those who would like to participate register their intention with Jed.
2) We will close participation at 25. If more are interested, we will convene a second session.
3) I most likely will be host. Participants will stay on mute until recognized. I will keep a list of people in the queue as usual by noting who raises their hand on the screen or who send me a note on the chat function that they would like to contribute. Participants should signal a one-finger or a two-finger intervention as usual.
From recent Zoom meetings, I expect a high quality discussion from our participants. Certainly, the times have given us enough to think about and to offer in response our best suggestions for constructive action.
Please RSVP your interest in participation with Jed at