Please Give to The Max!

This Thursday, November 15th, is Give to the Max Day here in Minnesota, where the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism (CRT) is based, and I write to ask for your support.

We are very efficient in punching globally way above our weight for a small, non-profit and as proof, in 2018, we:

-Held our 2018 Global Dialogue at St. Petersburg University’s Graduate School of Management in St. Petersburg, Russia on the current growing tension between humanism and tribalism.

-Convened a workshop in Kyoto, Japan on mutuality in ethics between Japanese and Chinese moral traditions, integrating the insights of two great East Asian peoples for collaboration in support of global sustainability.

-Cosponsored a workshop in Beijing on the jurisprudence of an ancient Chinese statesman, MoZi, and on the contemporary usefulness of the ancient Chinese text, the Yi Jing as guideposts for the constructive integration of the official Chinese approach to government and markets with global standards.

-Initiated organization of a 2019 workshop at the Vatican on the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with Christian communities as appropriate contemporary social teachings on respect and collaboration between Christians and Muslims for the common good of humankind.

-Cosponsored a conference in Bangkok on Buddhism and sustainability.

-Commissioned a unique, pioneering study of enterprise valuation methodology with Oxford Analytica.

-Initiated a new CRT book series with the publication on Amazon Kindle of collected essays on ethics.

– Convened two public office/public trust workshops for political candidates and elected officials on the CRT’s Principles for Government.

-Held the 10th annual Celebration of John Brandl & His Uncommon Quest for Common Ground in partnership with several local policy organizations.

-Held several round table discussions on relevant and timely topics.

-Published 12 monthly issues of our newsletter Pegasus.

We need your help now to continue this work and more importantly, to expand it. With your help, we can reach out to more countries, convene more workshops of thought-leaders, publish more books, train more people, create more unique management guidelines and metrics for sustainability, help implement the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and showcase practical steps towards robust outcomes advancing the common good.

Anything you can give would be most appreciated.

You can contribute here.